|  e-ISSN: 2980-3470

Instructions for authors

Articles submitted to the Journal of Turkish Applied Linguistics should be prepared in accordance with the JTAL manuscript outline. Click here for the draft

Font: Palatino Linotype

Paragraph: Before: 6 After: 6, Line Spacing: Multiple, Value: 1.15

Word Count: 10.000

Page Layout: right: 2.5, left: 2.5, top: 2.5, bottom: 2.5 cm

Title: 14 pt. all letters capital bold centered,

Author Name: It should be centered in 11 pt. with 12 spaces before and after the title. Author institution, title, e-mail and ORCID numbers should be indicated on the first page as a footnote in a numbered form.

SUMMARY: It should be single-spaced, 10-point font, minimum 200 and maximum 300 words.

At least 3 and at most 5 keywords should be added under the summary.

ENGLISH TITLE: On the sub-page, the first letters should be written in large bold and 14 point font and centered.

ABSTRACT: It should be single-spaced, 10-point font, minimum 200 and maximum 300 words under the English title.

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The English abstract should be between 1000-1500 words and should include the following headings:

Purpose and Significance.



Discussion and Conclusion

The article should consist of the following headings:

Introduction: The introduction should not be numbered and the main title should be centered with the first letter capitalized. Literature on the research topic, theoretical and conceptual framework should be provided, the significance of the research, the problem and aims of the research should be detailed in this section.

Method: The method section should not be numbered and the main title should be centered with the first letter capitalized. The methodology section should include the research method/design, Population and Sample/Participant Group (This section should also include the sampling technique), Data collection tools and techniques, Procedure/Data collection Process, Data Analysis (This section should also include how validity and reliability were ensured).

The type of research, research group, data collection tools, validity and reliability, data collection techniques, data analysis, limitations, and if necessary, ethics committee approval should be detailed in the method section.

Findings: The findings obtained by complying with the steps in the method section of the research should be explained with relevant tables, figures, graphs or pictures.

Discussion and Conclusion: The findings obtained in relation to the research problem should be interpreted by referring to the relevant literature and recommendations should be proposed to educators and educational researchers. 

Thanks: The authors may thank the people and institutions that contributed to the development of this study.

References: References should comply with APA 7 referencing principles. In in-text citations and references, it should be ensured that the narrative integrity of the text is not disrupted. In-text citations should be used to support the author's ideas, not to form sentences.

Tables: Table title should be left justified, table number and table name should be provided. Only horizontal lines should be used in the table. The text within the table can be between 10-12 points. The interval before and after the table should be 0 and the line spacing should be odd. Likewise, the spacing between the table title and the table should be 0 and the line spacing should be odd.

Graphs: Figure number should be provided. Afterwards, the name should be centered on the page with only the first letter capitalized and the titles should be given at the bottom.  There should be 0 spacing and single line spacing between the figure name and the figure.


Source Citation: References for quotations and citations should be cited in the text using the short citation system, i.e. (Demir, 1988, p. 68), (Erkuş, 2008, pp. 83-85), not in the form of footnotes, and the references should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order with full bibliography. When electronic resources are utilized, the date of access should be indicated.

Sources: This section should start with the heading " sources" and the indication of a source should start 1 cm (to be set in Word ruler section) inside when it goes down to the sub-line.

APA 7 format (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples) should be taken into consideration for in-text and end-of-text citation

Quotes: Quotations of three lines or less should be presented between the lines and in quotation marks, and quotations longer than three lines should be presented one centimeter to the left and right of the line, in block form, in 10-point font, single-spaced.

Footnote: Explanations other than referencing and indirectly related to the main topic of the article can be provided by using footnotes in the form of numbers. Footnotes should be written at the bottom of the page in 10 font size and Palatino Linotype roman characters.

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